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Low Testosterone Therapy

Low Testosterone used to effect mostly males over age 40, but today we see it in men as young as 18. Some people say it is a Low T pandemic, but it is easily explainable. Estrogen in our daily diet has increased, chemicals in our water destroy Testosterone levels, the stress of a modern lifestyle, and the lack of vitamins in foods are all reasons men become low on Testosterone. As you can see there are many symptoms when men are found to be low, but we can easily get you back on the high testosterone side quickly, easily, and affordably with our incredible Recharge Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Low T infographic

Getting your Alpha Male back is as easy as 1 -2 -3

  1. Come in and get our comprehensive blood test which will guide us to getting you the best therapy results.
  2. Choose your replacement method weekly injections or pellet insertion whichever best fits your lifestyle.
  3. We will monitor, change, and make additions / adjust your therapy based on each 90 day blood test.

Why Choose Ultimate Men’s Clinic of Tulsa and Recharge Testosterone Therapy?

Ultimate Men’s Clinic of Tulsa has real doctors and not Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistants. We don’t treat the insurance companies requirements we know every man is different, and treat your symptoms and not worrying about what bureaucrats at the insurance companies mandate. Our goal is to get you back to being the Alpha Male you once were and maybe even better safely, affordably, and quickly.

An older married couple enjoys exercising and jogging on a beautiful sunny winter day.


You have questions we have answers.

A: Estrogen in foods, chemicals in water, a stressful lifestyle, and natural aging are all ways men lose testosterone.

A: Pellets are small rice sized pellets which are inserted through a small incision and then time released.

A: Men can have shrinkage of the testes, Man Boobs from increased estrogen. We have fixes for these side effects.

A: You will have symptoms to include fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido & concentration, and Man Boobs.

A: Since insurance rarely pays for therapy we try to reduce the cost now averaging less than $165 per month.

A: Free and total Testosterone, PSA, Shbg, full CBC, DHEA, and many other tests that help us maximize your therapy.


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